Symmetry CONNECT adds Flexibility to Identities, Updates to the Public API, and Onboarding Updates

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By Matt MacIntosh, Product Manager Hosted Solutions, AMAG Technology

The newest Symmetry CONNECT Identity Management version increases administrators’ flexibility when managing identities. In addition, it provides updates to bulk add credentials via the public API and re-enables the onboarding process.


Ability to Define Identity Fields by Identity Type

Symmetry CONNECT allows an administrator to define what fields should both be displayed and required for an identity. This functionality has been enhanced to allow this selection to be made based on the identity type, employee or non-employee. This enhancement will enable organizations to set up different fields to be collected for an internal identity (such as an employee) than for an external identity such as a vendor or contractor. Different types of identities require different information to be collected, and this enhancement allows for that.


In addition, fields can not be marked as editable or not-editable, allowing administrators to remove the ability to update select fields via the UI. This allows fields that are updated from an HR feed to be locked and not updateable outside the feed.


Public API Updates

The Public API has been updated to allow for the bulk update of access associated with identities. With these updates, multiple access groups can be added or removed from multiple identities. This allows for more to be done from a single call, simplifying the interaction between external integrations and CONNECT.


In addition, the ability to update the access group’s expiration date without providing any additional information has been added, as well as the ability from on-premise customers to increase the rate of calls the Public API will accept. These changes aim to simplify and increase the flexibility of interacting with CONNECT via an external integration.


Onboarding Updates

The CONNECT onboarding process has been a process that was run once when an access control system was introduced to the system. During this time, all identities in the access control system are either mapped to IDM identities, added to the system, or removed from the access control system. The result is CONNECT and the access control system being entirely in sync. This process has been updated to allow this to be re-enabled and restarted rather than just a one-and-done occurrence. With this enhancement, CONNECT can now address scenarios where the access control system and CONNECT get out of sync, and identities, access groups, or credentials have been added to the access control system and brought up to CONNECT.


Coming Soon…

  • Support for Multiple Managers

  • Support for Passport scanning in GUEST

  • Ability to enforce a single active credential


Watch for these enhancements in the next blog.


To learn more about Symmetry GUEST or Symmetry CONNECT, please contact AMAG’s Business Development team or call 1-800-889-9138.


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