AMAG Symmetry Scoop – August 2024

David SullivanHello Partners:

I aspire to write to you each month, but often get surprised when the deadline has come and gone. Today, however, I have successfully met the deadline!

When you read this, I will have completed my two-year anniversary at AMAG Technology. Like all of life’s experiences it simultaneously feels like only yesterday that I started, and at the same time feels like I have been here for longer. It is with this in mind that I would like to look at both perspectives in this month’s article!

Let’s start with the longer view.

When I look back on the two years, I see so much change, starting with my direct reports.

  • Kyle Gordon leads the Sales, Marketing, and Customer Excellence teams.
  • Ewan Abbott leads our Operations and Quality teams.
  • Pascal De Zitter is the leader of our Information Systems and Solutions Delivery Team.
  • Jennifer Marx is our most recent addition and is newly responsible for our Product Management Department.
  • I know that Michael Kobaly has been with AMAG for over 18 years, but one of my first leadership changes was promoting Mike to become the leader of our R&D team.
  • Kimberly Eisenbeis is our new Human Resources leader.
  • Rhonda Wood is my assistant.

Highly valued veterans on the team are:

  • Ryan Howarth who leads our Technical Support team.
  • Paul Edwards is a key behind-the-scenes leader of our business technology team.
  • Grant Walker, who is rarely thanked and instrumental in the success of AMAG, is our Director of Finance.

The above demonstrates the changes we have made in our executive team, but you, as our partners, have seen dramatic changes as well. We are committed to adding new talent and recently hired new sales Directors in the US with Tony Dozier and in Europe with James Clark. We are aggressively getting out to see our channel partners in-person again. If you have not seen anyone lately, then please reach out to us and we will ensure your representative will come to see you and your team.

We have also changed the way we look. If you came to ISC, you would have seen a new AMAG Technology, a new booth, a new approach, and a new message. If you did not get a chance at ISC, please do so at GSX. We are in booth #2001.

While we have experienced a great deal of change in advancing this company, we still have many new things on the way. I cannot share everything that we are doing, but take comfort in the fact that AMAG is on the move, and there is no doubt that you will benefit.

Now, let’s consider the “how could I possibly have been here for two years” perspective.

It seems like I just got started, and that I have only scratched the surface of opportunity in AMAG. Frankly, there is so much more that I want to accomplish, and I keep uncovering more and more improvement opportunities! The fact that I continue to find ways in which we can be better is both inspiring and surprising. The surprising side is the “aha” moment of “how did I not see this before.” The inspiring side is in the, “Wow, we have such a great opportunity to be even better!”

As with anything, I expected to have met more of you. Time flies and I just cannot get out to everyone. I wish that I had been able to deliver an even better AMAG faster! While I expected more from myself, I reflect and feel like we have done so much. One of the biggest surprises was learning about our broad production offering. I could not believe that we did not talk about the many products that we have in our portfolio. I know that many of you were equally unaware, which is why we have focused on all of our products rather than just one. Through marketing efforts, and sales activities, we have helped our loyal partners understand all we offer, resulting in numerous new opportunities and projects. Thanks to all of you for your willingness to learn about and sell all of our products. The feedback we have received has been overwhelmingly positive.

We continue to be enthusiastic about our progress and look forward to sharing more with you in the coming months.

We appreciate your business and loyalty.

We are AMAG, and we are proud to be your partner!


Visit AMAG Technology at GSX 2024

Visit AMAG at GSX.Please visit AMAG Technology at our GSX booth 2001 at the Orange County Convention Center from September 23 to 25, 2024, to learn what’s new!

Learn what is new!

Symmetry Wallet – Leverage unique web provisioning technology that supports our Google and Apple Wallet offering.
Symmetry Control Room – Manage your entire security ecosystem from one window, simplifying processes and improving security.
Symmetry GUEST Visitor Management – Policy-driven, compliance based and up and running in minutes. Ditch the clipboard!

Happy Hour-Register to Win!

Stop by the booth on Monday to register for our happy hour on Tuesday. Registration enters you into a drawing to win big prizes! Then, join us on Tuesday, September 24, from 2 to 4 p.m. You can win prizes and get a demo while enjoying a beverage on us.

GSX QR code

Schedule Time with our Team

Please SCAN or CLICK on the QR code to schedule a meeting with an AMAG Technology representative. We look forward to learning about your security needs and collaborating to help you be successful.

Register for FREE
As our guest, you are eligible for a free Expo Only pass or $75 off an All-Access pass. Register now using promo code: EV12



AMAG Technology Releases Symmetry GUEST V1.84.10

Headshot of Matt MacIntoshGet Your Hosted Solutions Tech Update, By Matt MacIntosh, Product Manager Hosted Solutions, AMAG Technology

The newest Symmetry GUEST Visitor Management version allows hosts and host delegates to dynamically assign access groups to a visitor.

Dynamic Access Assignment for Visits

Symmetry GUEST allows access groups to be associated with a visitor via access assignment rules. These rules assign access groups based on the building in which a visit is scheduled, and the visit type selected. Though this works for most scenarios, there are scenarios where a visitor may require a unique combination of access assignments for their visit. An example could be a vendor coming into Maintenance with equipment in a secure lab. To support these scenarios, Symmetry GUEST will now allow host and host delegates to select access groups that should be assigned to a visitor when the visit is scheduled. Read more.

New Partner Portal Delivers Information, News and More

This is an image of the Partner Portal.AMAG Technology is excited to announce the launch of a brand-new Partner Portal. The new platform provides one place for all customers to access important resources such as registering for Symmetry software, accessing the Learning Management System, datasheets, price lists and technical documentation. Partners can view the Portal on their mobile devices so it is easy to access while at a customer site.

AMAG Technology customers can request a login at Access to the site will be granted within 24-48 hours. The link is also available on

Microsoft® Security Updates & Symmetry Systems Requirements

The Microsoft® Security Update statements are available on the Partner website. Go to Technical Bulletins/Microsoft Security Updates and look for the August 2024 versions. Microsoft Security Updates are available for:

  • v8.x
  • v9.x
  • Hosted Systems

These updates document the Microsoft patches that have been evaluated against supported Windows and Server platforms for Symmetry versions v8.x, v9.x and hosted systems. We are no longer updating the V7.0.1 patch testing due to Microsoft withdrawing free OS support.

Holidays 2024

UK Office

  • December 25 – Christmas Day
  • December 26 – Boxing Day

US Office

  • September 2 – Labor Day
  • November 28 – Thanksgiving Day
  • November 29 – Day after Thanksgiving
  • December 25 – Christmas Day

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