AMAG Technology
Security Appliances: What They Do & How to Select Them
As appliances have added functionality to appeal to the enterprise market, they are moving farther afield from their roots as embedded, dedicated devices. Security integrators must stay...
How Can Remote or Internet-Based Training Benefit Security?
Internet-based training has long provided a less-expensive alternative to in-person classroom time. VP Partner Programs & Education, Jason Schimpf comments in's Expert Panel Roundtable: How can...
What Will Be the Security Industry’s Biggest Challenge in 2021?
What a year 2020 was for the security industry! Can we possibly benefit from looking ahead and trying to plan for the challenges of the year ahead?...
In the Boardroom with John Becker, Vice President of Global Sales
In an interview with John Becker, AMAG Technology's Vice President of Global Sales, discusses his background and new role, AMAG's reaction to the pandemic, 2021 position...
‘Badging In’ Goes Digital & Higher Security
Once a fairly ‘vanilla’ choice, access control reader and credential options today include an array of more secure mobile, digital and security options to fit every user’s...